Category: campaigns

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan
Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan Drops Party Affiliation to Launch Independent Bid for Michigan Governor
Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan has long been registered as a Democrat. But in 2026, he will run for governor in Michigan as an independent.
05 Dec, 2024
Could an Independent Candidate Win Big City Mayor’s Race?
A lifelong nonpartisan candidate is making a serious run for mayor of San Diego against the incumbent Democrat in a left-leaning city.
25 Sep, 2024
Bill Maher: The Only Reason We Stay in Permanent Campaign Mode is Money
In the latest episode of Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, comedian Bill Maher said Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign proves something about American politics...
16 Sep, 2024
Supervisora del Distrito 1 del Condado de San Diego: Se Espera que la Titular Gane la Reelección con Facilidad
La Supervisora del Condado de San Diego, Nora Vargas, se postula para un segundo mandato representando a los residentes del Distrito 1. Se enfrenta a Alejandro Galicia, quien no ha recaudado fondos, lo que le da a Vargas un camino extremadamente fácil hacia la reelección.
15 Sep, 2024
San Diego
San Diego: Los Candidatos Apoyan la Reforma Electoral 'More Choice' ('Más Opciones')
En mayo, IVN publicó una encuesta que reveló que más del 67% de los votantes en San Diego y Chula Vista apoyan la iniciativa "More Choice San Diego", que permitiría a los votantes clasificar hasta 5 candidatos en la elección general, en lugar de elegir entre dos.
15 Sep, 2024
San Diego City Attorney: Will Independents and Republicans Go With the Experienced Leader or the Chief Deputy City Attorney?
They’re both attorneys and they’re both Democrats, but beyond that Brian Maienschein and Heather Ferbert have worked hard to show voters they’re different candidates. Each, of course, says their strengths make them the ideal candidate for San Diego City Attorney.
15 Sep, 2024
Fiscal de la Ciudad de San Diego: ¿Apoyarán los Independientes y Republicanos al Líder Experimentado o a la Subprocuradora General de la Ciudad?
Ambos son abogados y demócratas, pero Brian Maienschein y Heather Ferbert han trabajado arduamente para mostrar que son candidatos distintos. Ambos afirman que sus fortalezas los convierten en el candidato ideal para el puesto de Fiscal de la Ciudad de San Diego.
15 Sep, 2024
San Diego Council District 9: Council President Expected to Fend Off Challenger with Little Effort This November
Sean Elo-Rivera is running for re-election to represent the residents of District 9 in the City of San Diego. While he faces a challenger in Terry Hoskins, this is not expected to be a competitive race.
15 Sep, 2024
San Diego Mayor: An Independent Marine Veteran Takes a Long Shot at the Democratic Incumbent
San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria is running for re-election and while he has a challenger in independent Larry Turner, a police officer and Marine veteran, the race is not expected to be competitive. He also is the only registered NPP (independent) running for a major office.
15 Sep, 2024
Alcalde de San Diego: Un Veterano Independiente de los Marines Enfrenta una Difícil Carrera Contra el Titular Demócrata
El alcalde de San Diego, Todd Gloria, se postula para la reelección y, aunque tiene como oponente a Larry Turner, un oficial de policía y veterano de los Marines, no se espera que la carrera sea competitiva. Turner es el único candidato independiente (NPP) que se presenta para un cargo importante.
15 Sep, 2024