
Is ‘Democracy At Risk’? Joe Trippi Shares His Point of View

Author: TJ OHara
Created: 20 January, 2022
Updated: 14 August, 2022
3 min read

Renowned democratic strategist Joe Trippi joins host T. J. O’Hara on Deconstructed to explore a variety of critical political issues. Mr. Trippi brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the show. He has worked on many Presidential, Gubernatorial, and United States House and Senate campaigns and has been a regular commentator on a wide variety of network news and opinion shows. He is currently the host of That Trippi Show and recently joined The Lincoln Project, which is usually cast as a conservative organization.

T.J. leads with a question about the upcoming midterm elections. Mr. Trippi warns against viewing 2022 “as a fight between Right versus Left or Republicans versus Democrats.” He believes that “democracy itself is on the ballot.” He cites his belief that former President Trump is leading an anti-democracy movement and that the traditional Republican Party no longer exists.

Mr. Trippi raises January 6th as an example of the authoritarian approach the former President and his followers will impose on our Nation. He argues that the Republicans in office have been obstructionist to the current Administration. T.J. asks what the distinction is between “obstructionist” tactics and “the Resistance,” and Mr. Trippi responds.

Mr. Trippi also comments that some Republicans hold that “violence may be needed,” which he says is indicative of the threat that Party’s victory would present not only in 2022 but in 2024 as well. T.J. suggests that part of the challenge for independents is that they heard the mantra that “violence may be needed” from the other side of the aisle to justify actions that occurred during the 574 riots in 2021. Mr. Trippi suggests that the threat to democracy is the distinction.

The two then move into a discussion on voter rights. Mr. Trippi shares his view of what might be a reasonable approach to the issue. Some of his suggestions align with his Party’s narrative, but others are reflective of a less partisan approach. He offers interesting positions on same-day registration and Voter ID laws that are worth consideration.

Mr. Trippi provides an interesting example of what may have transpired if then-President Obama had taken action to block the 2016 presidential results. T.J. teases that everyone already knows that Russian interference stole the 2016 election.

The two then discuss the recent challenge to the filibuster. Mr. Trippi argues that all bets are off because, while it worked when there were two ideological Parties, that time has passed. The Republican Party has ceased to exist and given way to a Trump-led group of followers. Mr. Trippi’s position is that Voting Rights cannot be held hostage, so the filibuster must be suspended. T.J. references 2005, when the roles were reversed in a 50/50 Senate with Vice President Dick Cheney commanding the tie-breaking vote and then-Senator Biden excoriating Republicans for suggesting that the filibuster be suspended. He suggests that political flip-flopping disturbs many well-informed independents.

It is fascinating to hear two knowledgeable individuals have a civil discussion about some of today’s most emotionally charged political issues.  Sometimes they agree and sometimes they don’t, but they remain completely respectful throughout… just when you thought that was a lost art.  Listen to the show to renew your belief that it still is possible.

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