New Mexico House Committee to Take Up Independent Voters' Rights to Vote in Primaries

SANTA FE, N.M. - A bill that could open primary elections to more than 330,000 New Mexico voters registered as "Decline to State" or "Unaffiliated" has been scheduled for a hearing Friday in the House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs committee.
"My hope with this bill and what I would expect to see if it passes is increased participation in our primary elections," said Sen. Natalie Figueroa, the primary sponsor of Senate Bill 16.
If approved, SB 16 will allow voters registered outside a political party to pick a major party ballot in primary elections, which may limit their choices to the candidates of a single party, but it would give them a voice in elections.
It also worth noting that in New Mexico this means independent voters would have access to more than just a Republican or Democratic ballot. They can also choose a Libertarian ballot.
The bill has already been approved by the New Mexico Senate, getting as far as a similar bill in 2023. Time is a factor as the completely volunteer legislature is only in session a total of 60 days this year.
To understand how critical primary elections are in New Mexico, IVN ran a story back in 2018 that highlighted how half of the state's legislative seats go uncontested in the general election -- which all but makes them pointless.
This hasn't changed in the last 7 years. Many districts are so safe for one party or the other that the parties in the minority don't even field a candidate. In other words, the winner is chosen in the majority party's primary.
It's a system that disenfranchises a significant portion of the electorate.
It is worth noting that New Mexico offers same-day registration, which means independent voters could re-register with a party on primary elections day, but advocates of SB 16 say this is an unnecessary burden to the right to vote.
"The majority of young people in the 18 to 24 age group are registering as 'Decline-to-State' or 'Unaffiliated' voters. They want to vote. They are registering to vote. They don't particularly want to join one of our clubs," said Figueroa.
The bill is supported by the state's Democratic Party, which holds a majority in both chambers in the state legislature. Stay tuned for more updates on this bill.