
Paul Meshanko and The Neuroscience Behind Political Behavior

Author: TJ OHara
Created: 08 July, 2020
Updated: 14 August, 2022
1 min read

Paul Meshanko, MBA, CSP, joins host T.J. O’Hara on Deconstructed to discuss the neuroscience behind political behavior.  Mr. Meshanko is an author, professional speaker, and the founder and President of Legacy Business Cultures.  He is a leading facilitator of training in the fields of leadership development and diversity and inclusion who has successfully helped government agencies examine and improve their cultures and performance.

Mr. Meshanko discusses how the human brain works, what chemicals are released under certain circumstances, and the impact those chemicals have on how we behave particularly when it comes to our political beliefs.  Speaking of beliefs, Paul and T.J. distinguish between “Knowledge” and “beliefs” and address the issues or stereotypes and  of in-group behavior that underly the political divisions our country is currently experiencing.

Mr. Meshanko talks about respect and how to resolve the unconscious biases that are passed from generation to generation.  He explains why suspicion needs to be replaced by curiosity if we are to extract ourselves from the partisan malaise that is sweeping our Nation.

Paul and T.J. also examine the impact of social media and how it deepens the political divide.  Find out why T.J. concludes that, “…those who are hyper-partisan are essentially on drugs, not thinking rationally, and they’re killing themselves,” to which Paul responds, “and they’re killing the rest of us, too.”  It would be funny if it were not so sad.

If you tend to post hateful political memes or know someone else who does, if you can’t seem to disengage from a political debate without becoming aggressive, or if you just cannot acknowledge that your Party may occasionally be wrong and the opposing Party made occasionally be right, you should listen to this podcast (perhaps multiple times). It could improve your life and the lives of those around you.

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